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The resources below are the main ones I aim to be using:

Call-Response Ideas


It is a tool with which you reward students while in the class. Each student is given a character and on the projector they can see how they are doing. They can also see other’s points an the whole class score.

In addition to that, each point that is given or taken has a reason which is written in English and students can see. Thais is a way of introducing English to the class in a more implicit way



A language teaching method based on the coordination of language and physical movement. In TPR, instructors give commands to students in the target language, and students respond with whole-body actions.


Print out some pictures of things that are significative to your lesson and cut them in as many pieces as students you want in each group. Have students take one randomly and ask them to find their classmates that can complete their puzzle.


Distribute a piece of paper to each student that contains a concept/adjective and have them find their synonym or antonym. This is a great way to practice vocabulary in CLIL lessons.It is also a good opportunity to remind and go over adjectives that are not usually present in students’

THE NETwork activity

Bring a ball of yarn for this nice closing activity.  Get into a circle. One person starts with one end of the yarn and passes it to someone else in the circle after telling the group their commitment to work after the training.  Afterwards, everyone takes a piece of the yarn to tie onto their wrist as a bracelet.

other language resources

last, but not least...

This call- response sentences are an original way to catch students’ attention. The teacher can vary them along the course so as to break with monotony.

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