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5th grade of Primary education (11 years old)



8 sessions

A2: The level of English in this classes is quite diverse. Given the fact that many students have English as their mother tongue due to their parents being natives. Other students study English on extra curricular hours and other do nothing besides the school hours. 

CEFR level

Driving question

What do we know about other cultures?


Final product

A presentation/performance of their choice regarding something related to the country: typical dance, a recreation of the typical clothes, a poster, a video...

Teaching areas


English is the vehicular language and the learning of each country is done through the acquisition of grammar structures such as the 1st Conditional or vocabulary.


Children will work on art as they will create a poster and, on top of that, they will learn about each country’s cultural expression, the music, clothing...And they may choose to recreate those aspects of their country.


Geography is present in the project as students will have to be able to locate the country on a map, know in which continent their country belongs to, the capital city and its whether among others.

Values and Citizenship:

Values are worked mainly during the roundtable were they talk about education in each country. However, it is believed that is area is present throughout the whole project as they raise respect towards each country and culture.

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